No Pressure, No Diamond

Noxious Advocate
3 min readJan 9, 2021

Jadi ini adalah salah satu article pertama yang gua tulis umur 22. It’s been four years since I wrote this article. I guess this article is my reminder, it will have a special place in mine.

Hope you can learn something from it, Enjoy.

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As an individual who has reached the age of 22, I started to realize that life is not as easy as my imagination in childhood. Life has been so hard, when you are finally faced by the fact that you’re becoming one of those people in the society that you hated before. Your parents who used to wake you up to go to school now put the thing called “responsibility” in your chest. You’ve become what you wanted in childhood, an adult.

The question is, is this the thing that you really wanted when you were a kid? I bet it isn’t.

But what can I say, we can’t slow down or go back to yesterday. We are who we are today. And here I am, stuck in the body of a 22 year old. When a boy turns into a man and a child turns in to an adult.

When we, ready or not, started to fly with our own wings, creating our own headache and building our own empire. We are starting to make up our own perspectives and decide if we are going to fuck up our future or not. And here, the pressure begins.

Let’s say that our adventure as an individual already began. In this case, I’m not talking about an adventure like having a holiday to a country we’ve never been before, or going to some random place, or just passed out on your friend’s birthday.

It’s all about the pressure. That comes from the inside of us, the people around us, and of course the society itself. The pressure that can drag you down or put yourself to the edge. The pressure that you need to compete in a rush.

But there is no such a bad thing about the pressure. It’s always successful to make you grow up either become a bad person or a good one, either in the worst way or best way. It always makes us move. It’s better than just stay in the same place for the rest of your life. But sometimes the pressure looks like something that you’re never prepared about, something that you can’t handle in any way. But that’s what life is about; it is something that never goes as planned.

I’m not a typical religious person who would suggest you pray when the pressure makes you feel like you’re nothing.

I suggest you to fuck it, because that’s how the pressure plays. It makes you look like there’s nothing you can do, nothing stays with you. Until the only choice you have is to survive. Until you know that things already left behind you. Until you realize the pressure makes you more worthy, like a piece of diamond



Noxious Advocate

"Personal Development to make you stop looking for a home in everyone else"